Wicked Joe Organic Coffee Fair Trade Organic Whole Bean, Italian, 2 Pound
Product description
Flavor:Italian | Size:2 Pound
Wicked Joe is a family-owned company committed to producing exceptional coffees using sustainable business practices from crop to cup. Our organic certified roastery is a state-of-the-art and energy-efficient facility. We work directly with farmers and cooperatives to build lasting, collaborative partnerships. Your purchase of our Fair Trade and Organic Certified coffees ensures that farmers get better prices, directly supports farming communities, and protects the environment. We are proud of our delicious coffees and thank you for choosing Wicked Joe.
Our Thoughts..
I did not like this one I don’t hate it like I do Starbucks. If there is nothing else then yes I would drink this and add a ton of Pumpkin Spice Creamer in it.. I don’t know I just was not feeling this.. Now do not get me wrong it smelled great it really did smell good enough to get me to stop what I was doing and get into the breakroom for the grand first pour..
Footnote: there is always excitement when we are tasting a brand for the first time.. It makes us all warm and giddy..
Now I added some sugar and half and half and well it was kinda bitter to me. To be fair this was my first cup for that day so no other coffees corrupted my taste.. I really did not get a very gourmet feel to this one..
Now out of five of us two of us did not like it me and the cleaning lady. But the other three interns we have loved it so it goes to show you in anything opinions vary. Our interns are from ages 25 to 31 so maybe its a younger generation thing I dunno.. So the only way to know for sure is to try it for yourself.. We hope you like it. This is not the first time I was wrong about a product for someone.. We do not know you and you do not know us so what we like is what we like. If we were all the same Life would be boring..
Now to be fair..
There was two other blends we found by Wicked Joe.. And we what the hell I figured that I would give the Company another shot..
First Up..
Wicked Joe Coffee Italian Whole Bean, 12 oz
From one Pisan to another I am not really a fan of Organic Coffee nor do I car if it’s Fair Trade or not.. I just want a great to good tasting coffee to get my daily grind on.. (Get it Daily Grind) (Nervous Cough Ahem).. Anyways..
I might be a little out of my mind here but I like this one much better its got a hint of Dark Chocolate in it and I really liked it especially with some peppermint Creamer it was really fantastic . And for the best part all four of us love it.. Yea the cleaning lady left for the day so it was just us and we will make a pot tomorrow when she is around so we can see what she thinks.. Seriously we are like that we are people persons and she is cool as all hell..
Last But Not Least..
Wicked Joe Coffee Sumatra Ground, 12 oz
About the product
- Medium roast
- Notes of dense chocolate and spices
- Organic and Fair Trade
- Craft roasted, premium beans
Now this one threw me for a loop I have never tasted anything like this before. I am not sure if its a good or bad thing I am really not. One part of me really likes it but it’s a weird kind of like.. The Chocolate is really awesome, but I am very unsure of the spices part again rather odd but a good odd. Once again I had a nice peppermint creamer and well maybe that was it sooo I dunno . I would definitely drink this again and buy it but just for that odd factor alone..
Now all 5 of us were there and 4 of us liked it and the Cleaning lady did not. She really didn’t make a face of disapproval but took a few sips and shook her head no.. Again opinions and people tastes vary and well who knows right you if you choose to buy it like it then awesome very glad you enjoy it..
And there you have it ..
Your Coffees of the week again we love drinking coffee and telling you guys about it . I mean we love drinking it so do not get us wrong there but. If we stumble on something you like and you get to enjoy it then we did our job..

I love Coffee Smelling Coffee Drinking Coffee to me there is no other greater beverage on earth. As a person who tries many coffees, I decided to put this blog together and share my thoughts and views on the many brands and brews that I have come across. When I am on the road driving state to state running my charity The JRX Foundation I always see a new coffee and have to try it. And as always share it with all of you.