XUFN Reviews… Speedway Gas Station Coffee.. Yes I know I slammed their customer service yesterday we are working on that.. But they still have some Coffee I kinda need due to the Coffee Pot incident of a few months ago. lets just say we all know how cat’s can be curious I got 4 lol.. But nonetheless they are in walking in Distance sooo… until we get the coffee pot we have to review I’ll just have to drive around from place to place reviewing every one that I go too.
I chose the House Blend and the Espresso Blend now there was a few others there like the Dark Roast and of course Decaf and let’s be honest there is no way no how I am going to be drinking Decaf anything. And as for the Dark Roast I was never a fan of the Dark Roasts now if I have to drink it I will but if I don’t well you get the picture..
Now I drank the House Blend first and it’s your regular good tasting coffee. Not bitter pretty smooth moderate on the caffeine just a really good tasting coffee.. People forget that 30 years ago Coffee was only two ways.. Leaded or Unleaded . Not to mention there was no special creamers like dairy free or Pumpkin Spice… It was Milk , Half and Half or Black. Again this a really good tasting coffee it’s not gourmet or anything special . Sadly not to heavy on the caffeine, But for a buck something it does its job..
Then I had the Espresso Blend.. A stronger tasting version of Java but very smooth and not bitter just stronger which is why you would want to drink it a lil more of a punch than the House Blend but warning if you are like me a good strong coffee will have you in the bathroom quicker than the regular version.. Trust me.. But that is good thing I suppose well at least it is for me it tells me that its working heh heh.. I gotta say most stronger coffees are just too bitter and require a lil more sugar and flavored creamer to enjoy them. This one does not I gotta say..
Speedway gets my vote for when you are on the road and need a quick cup of joe and Caffeine fix .. A nice 20oz large is under 2 bucks so that is a plus as well .Trust me this stuff should me more popular than Starbucks just sayin..
I might even do a few Mom and Pop Places just to try and help local businesses . To be honest I would much rather do that but and a big but that it is. There are not many left and its getting harder and harder to to even find your basic mom and pop places anymore. Sadly all the bigger chains are edging them out slowly but surely..
Now we will be doing more and more of these out and about reviews, there are a lot of pretty cool coffee places he have seen that we think you should know about for instance The Brooklyn Water Bagel Company.. Their Iced Coffee even has Ice Cubes made of Coffee and it’s a real kick in the pants too I’ve buzzed around on that as well and it’s real unique as well so stay tuned for that ..

I love Coffee Smelling Coffee Drinking Coffee to me there is no other greater beverage on earth. As a person who tries many coffees, I decided to put this blog together and share my thoughts and views on the many brands and brews that I have come across. When I am on the road driving state to state running my charity The JRX Foundation I always see a new coffee and have to try it. And as always share it with all of you.