New England Coffees Blueberry Cobbler Review, I finally get the time to see if this coffee is worth it, and all I have to say is wow. I am not going to lie my expectations were low, not very low but you see the past few coffees I reviewed they just simply were not that good to me. Very weak in flavor that totally disappeared when creamer was added. But I am happy to say that is not the case here, in fact, it actually got better with the creamer. It honestly did…
There are three things that I love that this coffee has that you may not, it has the right amount of caffeine to keep me functioning. I like a good strong cup of coffee and this qualified. The taste was very good and bold like I mentioned in the video most coffees. The taste gets lost when you add creamer to the point where all you taste is the creamer.
This passed that test with flying colors. And well the other big factor was the price. 5 dollars and under for an 11 oz bag depending on where you get it from. But for me that bag can last me a week or two depending on the reviews we have to do.
Now if there are any questions you need to ask they do have a phone number 1-800-225-3537. I can only answer so much so its better if you call them with any other kind of questions you may have.
With all that being said if you do decide to buy this coffee we hope that you like it as much as we do. But we do understand that everyone is different, some may like it and some may not. Maybe someone is on a keto diet and wants to know if they can drink it. And well that is why I included their phone number just in case you need to know something like that.

I love Coffee Smelling Coffee Drinking Coffee to me there is no other greater beverage on earth. As a person who tries many coffees, I decided to put this blog together and share my thoughts and views on the many brands and brews that I have come across. When I am on the road driving state to state running my charity The JRX Foundation I always see a new coffee and have to try it. And as always share it with all of you.