Black Rifle Coffee Company Ground Coffee 12oz Bag (Fit Fuel Blend)
There is no question that by now you do not know who or what Black Rifle Coffee is. Unless you are living under a rock or in the middle of Amish Country. But to be honest I really think some Amish even know what Black Rifle Coffee is…
We drink Black Rifle Coffee Religiously , now I know as people that actually drink a lot of coffee in order to do our coffee reviews we have to be biased. In which we totally are but even we have our favorites I mean we are allowed to right???
And when we see a new version of our beloved Black Rifle Coffee well we gotta do our job and get the latest version and that is where we are now.
Now again we can go the whole boring back and forth on why we love this coffee. But then you will see another review saying on how much they do not like it. The only way you are going to find out if you like it is to order it for yourself. You may love it like we do, or you just might not like it and that is ok we hate Starbucks while they have millions of people that visit them at least 3 times a day. So we get it no harm no foul.
But I will say to play devils advocate is to give it a try, you see we are caffeine junkies so this blend is a no brainer for us. but for you well we don’t know you so you will have to find out for yourself. An we hope you really like it like we do.

I love Coffee Smelling Coffee Drinking Coffee to me there is no other greater beverage on earth. As a person who tries many coffees, I decided to put this blog together and share my thoughts and views on the many brands and brews that I have come across. When I am on the road driving state to state running my charity The JRX Foundation I always see a new coffee and have to try it. And as always share it with all of you.