How much coffee we go through???
We are asked this many many times, and its a very fair question so fair in fact I really tried to go back and well figure it all out. To the point where the only answer I can come up is…. We Go through a lot of Friggin Coffee lol…
We have been doing this blog I want to say two years now, we only started about a month or two before that. We started this blog to get extra traffic to our You Tube Channels. But then the pandemic hit and well we could not travel as much with all the restrictions that were put in place and we really had to focus on our charity The JRX Foundation so we have been really busy with that.

But we still manage to do a review here an there when we can, God knows we haven’t stopped drinking coffee and that’s just not gonna happen anytime soon. We are always drinking the nectar of the gods, but as for the question at hand to have a serious answer is kinda asking when the sun is going to come up.
We always have a few bags open what we drink depends on our mood, and well to be honest I have been known to have a cup an hour or two before bed so in the morning and afternoon a high caffeine coffee such as Black Rifle or Sin Coffee and at night whatever I can grab that is not the high caffeine blends and yes decaffeinated is totally outta the question for this guy and many of the people that help me review the coffee blends we get.

We can actually go through three one pound bags a week, some blends we like to spend a day or two reviewing them just so we can be fair and give the brand a chance. There are so many factors to coffee reviews and we certainly do want to slam a brand or blend on a first taste basis.
We most certainly love what we do, and well to be honest we love all of you that read our posts and order through our links to support us and what we do.
Now stop reading and get a fresh cup we see you are almost finished with the one in your hand….
Bones Coffee Company World Tour Sample Pack (Ground)$34.99
Black Rifle Coffee Company Blackbeard’s Delight Dark Roast Ground Coffee, 12 Ounce Bag$16.99
Bean Box – Gourmet Coffee Sampler$28.00
Black Rifle Coffee Company AK-47 Coffee$34.99
Wake The Hell Up Coffee Ultra-Caffeinated Single Serve Capsules$12.34

I love Coffee Smelling Coffee Drinking Coffee to me there is no other greater beverage on earth. As a person who tries many coffees, I decided to put this blog together and share my thoughts and views on the many brands and brews that I have come across. When I am on the road driving state to state running my charity The JRX Foundation I always see a new coffee and have to try it. And as always share it with all of you.