Now we all know why you are here.. Its because you love coffee as much as we do..It’s actually our livelihood really nothing here gets done without it..
From our reviews to just our daily living. From morning til night to late night to even early morning there is someone here in the offices here doing something..
Our Reviews..
Now we have mentioned it once before but will do again.. If you are looking for Starbucks-Dunkin Donuts-Mcdonald’s brand coffees this is not the place for you and you will not ever find those products here.. I’m not saying we do not like them well ok yes we do not like nor will ever like Starbucks it’s actually a job requirement around here..

And when we are out and about we will need our Java or daily Joe whatever you may call it.. So yes Dunkin and McDonalds are ok in a pinch.
But we want to bring you to the Coffees that you never hear of. There are so many brands out there that are quite good very good. In fact that is what we love the most of what we do. Try new things that you do not see everyday and we think that is what also makes it exciting as well..
Everybody is different ! What we may like you may not and vice versa, you may see one of our reviews and ask yourself well I like it how come they don’t ? we get so many emails expressing this.. You like what you like there is no harm in it. We just try to give you an idea on what to try or what you might like to try.. You may notice other pages here with other coffee products or accessories there are simply there to show you what is out there and you might even like it..
I’ll tell you one thing since we started doing the reviews we have bought an abundance of cool coffee cups mugs and tumblers lol.. And a few Coffee Makers that you will see we have done reviews and and well just kept them heh heh..
Affiliate Disclosure..
Most of the products we review have affiliate links. If you click on the link and buy something we get a commission at no extra cost to you all Commissions go to our Charity .. The JRX Foundation .
Thank You..
For visiting and we really hope you like what we are doing and what you see..