Tim Hortons Coffee My Thoughts

Tim Hortons Coffee Review Thoughts

Tim Hortons Coffee My Thoughts

Ever since my first cup of Tim Hortons Coffee many years ago I was hooked. Now don’t get me wrong I love a strong coffee that will keep me up for days. But every once in a while I like to have a smooth-tasting caffeinated beverage with a regular amount of caffeine. And Tim Hortons is definitely that kind of coffee…

Now of course we may or may not have different tastes, whatever I might like you may not. And whatever you might like I would never even think of it lol. Personal preferences do vary that is why you are better off just trying it for yourself and I really hope you like it as much as I do. If not then at least you can say that you tried it.

To be honest I can’t see anyone not liking it but I love the movie The Blues Brothers and sadly I have come across a few people that can’t stand that movie so in hindsight the choice is yours.

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